This page has pictures of the fingering positions of all the commonly played notes on the clarinet. Great for printing out for your beginning student. Are you interested in learning how to play the clarinet? To get starte reference our clarinet fingering chart. The white circles represent an open key while the . The fingerings generally apply to all sizes (soprano, alto, bass, and contrabass) of clarinets unless specified otherwise.
These fingerings apply to all sizes of Boehm-system clarinet unless specified otherwise.
There is also an alternate fingering chart for Boehm-system alto, bass, . This fingering chart includes trill fingerings, which are fingerings designed for. These fingerings apply to all sizes of Boehm-system clarinet unless specified . This fingering chart includes both basic fingerings and alternatives that are more. Interactive clarinet fingering chart that is easy to use and simple to understand. Includes large images, soun and alternate fingerings.
Q —- e — Indicates hole close o — Indicates hole open.