Find out which champions counter Jhin and more on ChampionCounter. Jhin Counters based on role and lane matchup stats to assist champion select. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League .
View Jhin’s role, lane, win rate, pick rate, ban rate, KDA, tier, counters, and stats for patch 6. As with most new champs, Jhin will probably be played very often as soon as he’s released. So, are there any tips for PBE players to give for. LoL Statistics, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Skill Orders, Counters and Matchups for Jhin when played ADC.
Statistics include Jhin’s Win Rate, Play Rate and Ban . League of Legends champion Jhin counters, stats, pro builds and more. Aprenda como counterar Jhin com os counterpicks e dicas de League of Legends. Averigua cuáles campeones pueden contrarrestar a Jhin y más en ChampionCounter.
Découvrez quels champions sont de bons opposants contre Jhin et plus encore sur ChampionCounter. AjY2Ms Jhin Counter Pick – League of Legends Vc. Strengths and Weaknesses 1:- Laning against Jhin 3:- Playing around his spells 4:29.
Descubra quais campeões são fortes contra Jhin e muito mais no ChampionCounter. So you might be thinking ahead of the pack on ways to beat a gun nut well if you apply the same knowledge to beat any champ without .
Alle Infos und Tipps zu Counter Jhin zum mitdiskutieren und mitvoten. O THRESH DA UM GRAB DAI O JHIN BOTA UMA COISA DE ARMADILHA E DAI TOMA MUITO DANO E DAI O JHIN ULTA E O TRESH DA GRAB E DAI ELE . Jhin counter picks and stats have been analyzed from 6296games over the last days. Watch bAdm’s League of Legends video: the perfect jhin counter – Plays. Find out how to counter Jhin in League of Legends. Guide Jhin ADC S- Découvrez nos conseils pour jouer le Virtuose qui coûte 63IP.
Buil counter, items, maîtrises et runes . Evidemment, vous aurez 1 de chance de vous taper un Jhin que ce soit top jungle mid adc et pour les trolls support. Jhin est un psychopathe méticuleux pour qui le meurtre est une forme d’art. Autrefois prisonnier de Ionia, mais libéré par des conspirateurs opérant au sein du . Player rated Jhin guide created by LoL Fans. Players guide you in all aspects of playing Jhin from beginning to end game.
Daily LOL Counter Updates with exact statistics of the real chance to win against Jhin on lane or in general. Evite o quarto tiro crítico de auto-ataque dele, tente força-lo a usar em minios. Você vai ganhar vantagens em trocas desta forma. AdmGo to Source on Reddit League of Legends.
It is an extremely safe pick on jhin and i would almost never go into lane without it.