The Intel Pentium processor (formerly Apollo Lake) is the classic, reliable processor from the name you trust with all your computing needs. Intel Pentium Processor comparison chart and links to detailed product features and specifications. Pentium er en serie 32-bits prosessorer fra Intel som bruker x86-prosessorarkitekturene i5og i686.
Den første Pentium-prosessoren ble solgt 22. PentiumBufretLignendeOversett denne sidenGå til Pentium compatible Intel processors – Even though they do not use the Pentium name, Intel also manufactures other processors based on . Now there are three separate Core brands, Pentium and Celeron brands, and a long series . Celeron and Pentium vs Core i iand i7: why you don’t need Intel’s top-end processor.
Celeron and Pentium vs Core i iand i7. Enjoy a new PC with an improved Intel Pentium processor. Experience brilliant PC performance that lets you communicate with friends and family, enjoy . Intel lanserte tidligere i sommer sin nyeste prosessorarkitektur kalt Haswell. Dette er produsentens fjerde generasjon i serien av . Celebrate years of greatness with the Intel Pentium processor anniversary edition – now unlocked so that you can have more control than ever.
Intel Pentium G44Processor Review – Budget Skylake.