Coalfish redirects here; that is also a common name for Anoplopoma fimbria (sablefish) in Canada. Saithe Pollachius virens, is a species of marine fish in the . PollockBufretLignendeOversett denne sidenPollock is the common name used for either of the two species of North Atlantic marine fish in the genus Pollachius.
Pollachius pollachius is referred to as pollock in both North America and United Kingdom, while Pollachius virens today is usually known as coley in the British Isles . Eastern Atlantic: Barents Sea, Spitsbergen to Bay of Biscay, around Iceland. Western Atlantic: southwest Greenlan Hudson Strait to North Carolina, although . In Norway we have two management plans for the saithe; for the North East Arctic saithe and for the North Sea saithe.
Lateral line smooth along its entire length. Colour: brownish-green dorsally, only slightly paler ventrally; . Pollachius virens occurs on both sides of the North Atlantic. In the western Atlantic, their distribution is centered between Cape Cod and the Strait of Canso, . Utbredelse: Seien finner vi både i vestlige og østlige Atlanteren. På østsiden finnes den fra Biscaya nordover til Novaja Semlja. Parent, Checked: verified by a taxonomic editor Pollachius Nilsson, 1832.
Checked: verified by a taxonomic editor Gadus virens Linnaeus, 1758. Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Pollock, Pollachius virens,.
Life History and Habitat Characteristics. Description: The coalfish has a typical cod family shaped body with three dorsal and two anal fins. The first anal fin originates beneath the space between the . Den kan bli opptil 1cm lang og veie over kg. Buken og sidene er sølvgrå, mens ryggen er mørkere. Sei fiskes hovedsakelig langs vår kyst og er tilgjengelig store deler av året.
Sei er et veldig godt produkt som er prisgunstig, god smak, . Description, classification, synonyms, distribution map and images of Pollachius virens – Saithe. The genus Pollachius is represented by two species: saithe P. The pollock, Pollachius virens (from Goode 1884) . Seien er ganske lik lyren, men skiller seg hovedsaklig ved å ha en lyst, rett sidelinje. Pollachius virens is found in the Barents Sea and Spitsbergen to the Celtic Sea,.
Range Description: Pollachius virens is restricted to the North Atlantic Ocean. Characteristics: The saithe is best distinguished from the similar pollack by the straight lateral line. Both have three dorsal fins and two anal fins.
Sizes: 2- kg; 2-kg; 1-kg; 3+ kg.