Population of China: current, historical, and projected population, growth rate, immigration, median age, total fertility rate (TFR), population density, urbanization, . Gå til Population of China by age and sex (demographic pyramid) – In 19China conducted its first population census since 1964. Current population (estimated population data for 2017) and historical data for over past years.
Update to date information about population in China in . BufretLignendeOversett denne sidenThe total population in China was estimated at 1374. Looking back, in the year of 195 China . World Population Prospects, ( ) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, .
China’s total population is estimated at 1. These images show how an overcrowded country . China is the most heavily populated country in the world. Stringent population controls have been in place for several . China and India is the two most populated country of the world.
Mi, Hong (1992): The quantitative analysis about evolution of historical population on Ming Dynasty in China. Gå til Issues and Trends in China’s Population (Throughout History and Today) – China’s population is at once its greatest asset as well as its most . Country note, For statistical purposes, the data for China do not include Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR or Taiwan. The statistic shows the total population of China until 201 with forecasts to 2021. In 201 the Chinese population amounted to about 1. China’s Working-Age Population Sees Biggest-Ever Decline – China.
China’s working age population saw its biggest decline in 201 underscoring demographers’ warnings of an oncoming labor shortage in the . The population of China is equivalent to the population of North America, South America, Australia, New Zealan and all of Western Europe . Tibet, total Tibetan population in China, an examination of the `genocide’ myth, . China’s decision to lift its one-child policy next year is expected to diversify the country’s aging, increasingly male population. The ten countries with the largest population in the world today are China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia and .