This is my FIFA Pack Opener with 2FIFA Official Cards 😮 and about LEGENDS in it 😀 1. Mini FUT – Many features, The most realistic simulator on scratch! Coins can be used to buy more FIFA Points!
This is my FIFA Pack Opener with 2FIFA Player Cards! This is a modded version of the original game where you can press space to get infinite money. This is my FIFA Pack Opener with 2FIFA Player Cards!
FIFA OP pack=whooooooooo on Scratch by manu3232.
I only remixed this game for the single purpose of freevip, more coins and fifa points. This is Maszek’s FIFA Mini FUT with 2FIFA 16 .
You will start with 3000coins and 50Fifa Points 1. FIFA – Mini FUT unlimited on Scratch by WIL5TER. Modded FIFA – Mini FUT on Scratch by jps2005. Create your own FIFA Ultimate Team squad with our Squad Builder and find player stats using our Player Database.