Aggressive Amumu, he is not the only one to cry. The Saltiest of Tears Will be Shed (jack of all trades amumu). Summoner Spells; Runes; Masteries; Abilities; Items; Champion Matchups; Amumu and jungle tips.
These are the runes I play most of the time with Amumu. The magic-pen seems not very helpfull, but it makes your early and midgame-ganks much stronger, . Summoner Spells; Runes; Masteries; Abilities; Items; Champion Matchups; Comments. Author’s performance with Amumu compared to the ranked average.
Marks: Magic pen marks are good for ap amumu, they allow you to be more effective . The reason Amumu is sad is because he’s the one who’s spammed with free RP codes the most. I never included this here because it was so obvious too me but then I saw an Amumu jungling with flash and heal. QUINTS: I’d say this is one of the best option right now as Amumu lacks movespeed. I find that he has an OK clear speed yet he’s extremely .