Fixing Color on your Benq Xl2411Z Monitor. Song: Loz Contreras – Sarajevo (Blackmill Remix) 0:- NVIDIA Resolution/Refresh rate(Hz) 0:- NVIDIA. Can someone recommend me BenQ XL2411Z settings for csgo?
Yes, i have 2411Z and i am using GeT_RiGhT’s BenQ settings. Forum thread: BenQ XL2411z – Best settings? Forum thread: Benq XL2411Z – settings greyed out10.
Hello I just upgraded my 60hz monitor to a BenQ XL2411Z 144hz monitor.
My new monitor just arrived and I’m just looking for some advice on what I should change in both the monitor settings and Nvidia Control panel . After reading countless reviews I decided for the BenQ XL2411Z and. Be aware that these are the best gaming settings, if you don’t game skip . I recently bought the BenQ xl2411z, and I love it. Does anyone know some good settings that make it . Jan 1 Community Night Playtesting.
Best FPS gaming monitor in terms of having all the essential things you need and being relatively cheap. Not currently subscribe Subscribe no notifications, Subscribe notify when quote Subscribe notify new posts.