Casambi CBU-ASD kan konfigureres enten som analog 0-10V (1-10V), Standalone DALI. Enheten er tilpasset for integrering i armatur eller montering i . Kompakt, høy kvalitet faseavsnitt dimmer for nettspenningsdrevet belastning.
Den kan monteres bak en tradisjonell veggbryter, inn i armaturhuset eller i . The Casambi app is the easiest and most natural way to control your lights. With the app you can control both Casambi enabled lighting fixtures and Philips Hue . DGA introduces Casambi technology in order to control and manage LED lightings, with a simple touch on your smartphone (Apple or Android).
Developed by Finnish lighting specialist, Casambi, this award-winning third-party platform based on the dual-protocol Nordic nRF518SoC is .
Casambi technology is a state-of-the art wireless technology, based on Bluetooth Low Energy with communication in a mesh network that works as a consensus . This Eulum Design NDRIVE module operates on the Casambi Bluetooth 4. Delta Light introduces Wireless Control Dimming, enabling you to control and manage a selection of luminaires via mobile devices (Apple or Android). Beacon XL Muse – Casambi Bluetooth Dimming. The Casambi lighting control system is also delightful to use.
You can change your ambiance according to your mood by dimming, changing the colour of the . With Casambi you can control your lights to create just the right mood or ambience. AUTOMATISERING Casambi Xpress er et trådløst bryterpanel som gir stor fleksibilitet i forhold til interiørdesign, møblering og plasseringsfrihet. You can change your ambiance according to . Lampen er kontrollert og dimmet ved hjelp av en gratis app på din smarttelefon og den integrerte enheten Casambi. Boss er også vakker, den har en tidløst og .