Torsk (Gadus morhua) eller mer nøyaktig atlanterhavstorsk, er en fiskeart i torskefamilien. I norsk sammenheng er denne arten den kommersielt viktigste . Atlantic_codBufretLignendeOversett denne sidenThe Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is a benthopelagic fish of the family Gadidae, widely consumed by humans.
It is also commercially known as cod or codling. TorskBufretLignendeTorsk (Gadus morhua) er den økonomisk viktigaste fisken i torskefamilien. Han sym langs heile norskekysten, det sørlege Barentshavet, Nordsjøen og . CodBufretLignendeOversett denne sidenCod is the common name for the genus Gadus of demersal fishes, belonging to the family.
Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) live in the colder waters and deeper sea regions throughout the North Atlantic. North Atlantic and Arctic: Ungava Bay in Canada along the North American coast to Cape Hatteras; North Carolina in the western Atlantic. Find out what’s known about Atlantic Co Gadus morhua, Actinopterygii, Gadiformes, Gadidae, including their world range and habitats, feeding behaviors, life . Belgium; Canada; Denmark; Estonia; Faroe Islands; Finland; France; Germany; Greenland; Guernsey; Iceland; Iran, Islamic Republic of; Isle of Man; Jersey; . Gadus morhua is commonly known as Atlantic cod and can be found along the eastern and northern coasts of North America, along the coasts of Greenlan . The North East arctic cod is estimated to be four times larger than it was years ago.
The Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is probably the best-known fish caught commercially in UK waters. In appearance, the head is rather disproportionately large . Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Atlantic Co Gadus morhua,.
Life History and Habitat Characteristics. Species, Gadus morhua Linnaeus, 17– morue de l’Atlantique, bacalao del Atlántico, co rock co morue franche, Atlantic cod. The effects of isolation and colonization history on the genetic structure of marine-relict populations of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Canadian arctic . Breton, Unreviewed: has not been verified by a taxonomic editor trosc Unreviewed: has not been verified by a taxonomic editor moru,.
A SELF-CONTAINED SYSTEM FOR OBSERVING AND QUANTIFYING THE BEHAVIOR OF ATLANTIC CO GADUS MORHUA, IN AN OFFSHORE . European Commission – Information about different fish species. Torsken kjennes igjen på den lange, ofte tykkmagete kroppen og den tydelige skjeggtråden under haken. Fargen til torsken kan variere etter leveste og f. Cut: H/G Sizes: 3-kg; 5-kg; 1-kg; 2-kg; 3+ kg.