For første gang har Hegel en DAC med hodetelefonutgang. Hegel sin beste og dyreste DAC sprenger grensene for hva vi trodde var mulig i sin prisklasse. HDløfter musikken fra digitale lydkilder til nye .
Introducing the next generation of Hegel D/A-Converters – The HD1 introduces a combination of great new functionality as well as greatly improved sound . For første gang har Hegel en konverter med hovedtelefon-udgang. Ble anbefalt HD1 men har lest en test av denne hvor det sammenlignes med HD2 og HDer bedre på. Nå sies det vel at Hegel dac’ene er nøytrale men jeg tror ikke det vil bli noe.
Jeg har selv HD og er fornøyd med den, har ikke hørt HD så den kan jeg ikke si noe om. Digitale avspillere Hegel HD25innlegg23. Hegel HDDAC vs Hegel HD10innlegg19. BufretLignendeOversett denne siden Vurdering: – Vurdering fra Marek Dyba5. Ledwie trzy lata temu podczas Audio Show dostałem do ręki DAC-a firmy Hegel, model HD1 który od tego czasu gościł stale w moim . I know the product is a DAC manufactured by Hegel and it says HDDSD on the front panel.
I skimmed through the user manual to find out . Hegel HDUSB DSD DAC A DAC for audiophiles who prize performance above cosmetics or bells ‘n’ whistles Review And Images By Greg Weaver of Enjoy . Atmosphere Level Power Cords, Grounding Block and HD Ground Cables.
In the launch of their HDdigital-to-analog converter, Hegel seems to be. I’m first struck by the component under test’s ability to either reveal . Hegel is one of a small but consistently impressive band of Norwegian audio electronics companies, and it’s probably the youngest to have . Hegel is now here with the HD1 the successor of the HD11. The pricetag has increased with 150€, but is stacked with alot of new features.
För första gången har Hegel en DAC med hörlursuttag. Men tilbake til Hegel HD-som faktisk har oppnådd tester i USA. Men hadde vi gitt Hegel gode nok betingelser? Hegel HDto przetwornik cyfrowo-analogowy z wyjściem.
HE-5(+ FAW Noir Hybrid) Hegla HDoraz Marantza HD-DAC1. Offering connectivity options that are likewise remarkable to the DA-300USB of Denon is this fairly unassuming house DAC. Więc tak, wypożyczyłem DAC HEGEL HD który podpiąłem pod H 100.
Sprzęt mam tak spięty, że DAC H 1podłączony jest do Macbooka i . W tym kontekście Hegel HDmógłby zaprezentować się jako objawienie i prawdziwa. Wprawdzie w chwili, gdy kończyłem test, był on w fazie testowania, ale . Ogólnie HDprzypomina DAC Hegel HD(czytaj test TUTAJ), lecz w. Zrobię test z Sennheiserem HD-8i powiem coś więcej na razie . I had a chance to review most of them – the HD HD1 HD 1 HD20. Anders Ertzeid and Fredrik Johnsen from Hegel said that for at least a .