Players guide you in all aspects of playing Irelia from beginning to end. Better nerf an Irelia using this guide Descriptive Guide to Irelia Top Patch 6.
League of Legends Premiere Irelia Strategy Builds and . League of Legends Premiere Irelia Strategy Builds and Tools. This is how my typical build looks on irelia. The two missing spots can be filled with whatever you feel like you miss. Irelia Top Guide: Climb the ladder with Irelia!
Irelia BUILD GUIDE written by Mammafausa. This guide gives advice on making Irelia builds and strategies for playing Irelia in League of Legends. Its Ghost to Lane here giving you guys another guide featuring Irelia, now irelia is super.
Comment jouer Irelia : Irelia est un bruiser puissant en mid/late game mais qui souffre d’un early plutôt faible.