Interrupting Janna’s ultimate by using a stun/silence/knock-up/displacement will. Try to avoid Janna’s tornado by listening to the wind up and predicting the . How to beat Thresh with Janna Click here for How to beat Janna with Thresh.
Find out which champions counter Janna and more on ChampionCounter. Overview; How To Counter; Strengths; Weaknesses; Abilities. The furious janna is an ability power support champion. View Janna’s role, lane, win rate, pick rate, ban rate, KDA, tier, counters, and stats for patch 6.
Janna Counters based on role and lane matchup stats to assist champion select. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for . Aprenda como counterar Janna com os counterpicks e dicas de League of Legends. Descubra quais campeões são fortes contra Janna e muito mais no ChampionCounter. Averigua cuáles campeones pueden contrarrestar a Janna y más en ChampionCounter. Now, you’re obviously wondering, how in the world does Janna counter Vi.
When I play support, I generally main Janna, but I was thinking I should learn a champion who counters her as well for those games in . I am Gold IV support main and I’ve been playing Janna constantly for the last month. I haven’t lost a lane with her so far which makes it hard for.
Janna has a win rate for Platinum+ League of Legend players. Janna counter picks and stats have been analyzed from 3716games over the last days. I picked Janna in one of my first games with the champion. She turned out to be quite a good counter pick to. Interromper o ultimate da Janna com Atordoar, Silenciar, Desolocar fará com que ela pare de curar em área.
Quando Janna utilizar seu escudo no ADC tente . Elle a beaucoup de contrôles ce qui permet de bien protéger son carry pendant la phase de lane. LoL Statistics, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Skill Orders, Counters and Matchups for Janna when played Support. Statistics include Janna’s Win Rate, Play Rate . Know how to counterpicks against Janna in League of Legends.
Details of Strengths, Weakness Synergy of Champion Janna to create your strategy build . For League of Legends on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled Janna =counter to mummy. Na lane, se ela usar o escudo nela mesma, isto deixa o carry dele vulnerável para harass ou até mesmo para um abate. Découvrez quels champions sont de bons opposants contre Janna et plus encore sur ChampionCounter. Like all counter jungling, ward or ping for a CV at the appropriate time and either steal.
Hello guys, here are a few tips you can use to cope with the not-so-easy laning against Janna (bot support): 1. Zyra’s poke can be used to easily zone your ADC out of lane if you are a support Janna since you have no way to counter her damage and . Janna başka bir dostunu desteklerken en güçlü halindedir. Dostuna sataşabilirsen, bu onun seninle dövüşme yetisini azaltacaktır. Alle Infos und Tipps zu Counter Janna zum mitdiskutieren und mitvoten.