Jonas Nay is a German actor and musician, notable for starring in the first German language TV series shown on American television, Deutschland 83. BufretLignendeOversett denne sidenJonas Nay, Actor: Homevideo. He first appeared under the alias Jonas Friedebom in a TV . Deutschland star Jonas Nay has revealed that the hardest scenes for him to film weren’t the stunts or the fights – it was when his character . Actor Jonas Nay, who plays spy Martin Rauch in Channel 4’s cold war drama Deutschland 8 talks to Owen.
The lead actor of German Cold War drama Deutschland has said Germans and Europeans have an “obligation” to help refugees. Deutschland star Jonas Nay has revealed a second series of the gripping Cold War drama will get even darker as it jumps ahead to 1986.
The TV Drama ‘Deutschland 83’ set at the height of the Cold War has been gaining record viewing figures. Jonas Nay grins, launching into a piano-led rendition of the 19Police hit. It’s mid-morning at Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club in Soho, London. A smart edgy thriller, steeped in 80s fashion and music, set during the height of the Cold War.
Young East German Martin Rauch (Jonas Nay) . Jonas Nay, unlike his character Martin Rauch, can play the piano and attempts to teach me the theme tune to. What was it about Deutschland that particularly appealed to you? I remember really well the moment in which I first read the script, on a train . Durch die NDR-Serie gegen Z bekannt geworden, konnte der Lübecker Jonas Nay inzwischen in Homevideo oder Deutschland ein großes Publikum .
Schauspielerei, Band und StudiuHirngespinster-Darsteller Jonas Nay hat viel zu tun. Wie er das alles schafft, verrät er im Interview. Interview: ‘Deutschland 83’ Star Jonas Nay Talks Stunts, 80s Tech and International Crossover Success. Jonas Nay is a German actor and musician.
All you need to know about Jonas Nay, complete with news, pictures, articles, and videos. Jonas Nay, 2 says he took inspiration from James Bond movies while researching his role as Stasi operative Martin Rauch. Jonas Nay Celebrity Profile – Check out the latest Jonas Nay photo gallery, biography, pics, pictures, interviews, news, forums and blogs at Rotten Tomatoes! Explore Jack Hall’s board Jonas Nay on Pinterest, the world’s catalog of ideas.
Opening credits, Berlin wall and Berlin germany. Last year, Deutschland became the first ever German-language show to air on a major American television network, and it premiered on . In 201 Nay participated in the last scene of the Hamburg investigator Cenk Batu, Crime Scene: The Ballad of Cenk and Valerie, about a disturbed . Star of ‘Deutschland 8’ Jonas Nay, says the TV show’s international popularity is a ‘first’ for Germany. Découvrez sa biographie, sa carrière en détail et toute son actualité.