January (Jowhar)Madxaweynaha Dowlad goboleedka Hirshabeelle Mudane Cali Cabdullaahi Cosoble oo shir jiraa’id ku qabtay garoonka diyaaradaha . Ciidamadda Nabbad Sugidda oo qabtay mooto waxyaabaha qarxa ay saarnaayeen. Jowhar is the capital town of the Middle Shabelle region of Somalia.
Along with Baidoa, it used to form the joint administrative capital of the Transitional Federal . Somalay gurmada,Soamli news ,warar igu dambeyey ee somalia ,Jowhar. AMISOM oo neef oo Geel ah ku dishay Koonfurta Somalia. Dabley xalay weerartay barkoontarool oo ku taala degmada Jowhar ee gobolka Sh/dhexe – .
JOWHAR, Somalia- In a statement released by Somalia’s electoral body on Saturday, it has suspended the ongoing Lower House elections in .
Puntland Post (Jowhar) Madaxweynaha Somalia Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo gaaray magaalada Jowhar Ee Xarunta Gobolka Sh/Dhexe . The commission said the elections would be postponed until further notice due to the chaos that erupted in Jowhar last night. Dec 201 Jowhar, Somalia: Humanitarian Coordinator, Philippe Lazzarini, meets with families displaced by violence in Jowhar, in Somalia’s . Discover lots of useful information at Time Genie. Find the perfect Jowhar Somalia stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Download premium images you can’t get anywhere else. We launched our activities in Somalia back in 199 in the wake of suffering, death.
Since 199 INTERSOS has been managing the Jowhar regional hospital . Middle Shabelle is an administrative region in southern Somalia that is named after the. Somalia: #AlShabaab raids security checkpoint near #Jowhar . Jowhar, Shabeellaha Dhexe Day Weather Forecast, Historical Weather, Weather Animated Map and Jowhar, . Mogadishu, October, 20- The police component of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has held a briefing for officers .