En obo (av fransk haut bois, høyt tre), er et treblåseinstrument som på grunn av fargen og størrelsen likner på en klarinett. Oboes ˈoʊboʊ/ OH-boh are a family of double reed woodwind musical instruments. The most common oboe plays in the treble or soprano range.
Bass_oboeBufretLignendeOversett denne sidenThe bass oboe or baritone oboe is a double reed instrument in the woodwind . A double reed is a type of reed used to produce sound in various wind . The cor anglais or English horn in North America, is a double-reed woodwind . The contrabass oboe is a double reed woodwind instrument in the key of C or .
The shawm is a conical bore, double-reed woodwind instrument made in . The piccolo oboe, also known as the piccoloboe and historically called an . The Akademiemodel Wiener Oboe, commonly referred to as the Wiener Oboe . Oboe d’amore (hautbois d’amour/kjærlighetsobo) er altinstrumentet i obofamilien. I Ravels Bolero brukes oboe d’amore som orkesterinstrument.
The oboe d’amore less commonly hautbois d’amour, is a double reed . The oboe and its alto version, the so-called. Oboe da caccia eller jaktobo er et treblåseinstrument og en variant av barokkobo i altleie. Instrumentet er stemt i F og klinger dermed en ren kvint lavere enn . B flat major (HWV 301) was composed by George . B flat major (HWV 302a) was composed by George Frideric Handel for oboe, . An oboe quintet is a chamber music group of five individuals led by an oboist, . Engelskt horn är en oboe i altläge; oboe da caccia är en föregångare till. Oboe d’amore är en oboe som är stämd en ters lägre än oboen.
Die Oboe (veraltet Hoboe) ist ein Holzblasinstrument mit Doppelrohrblatt. Die Wiener Oboe ist dem Barock-Instrument und der klassischen Oboe baulich, klanglich und in der Spieltechnik ähnlicher als die französische . The oboe da caccia is a double reed woodwind instrument in the oboe family, . An Oboe quartet is a composition scored for oboe, violin, viola and basso.