If we decided to rent a car and drive, is there a scenic route? Driving from Oslo to Stockholm will take you about seven or eight hours. Michelin Oslo – Stockholm driving directions.
Michelin routes: fast and accurate route planning. Check the itinerary for Stockholm – Oslo with the route duration and cost on. Avoid off-road connections (ferry, train). Europe ForuAny suggestions for stopping places along the road from Oslo to Stockholm? You have ways to get from Oslo to Stockholm.
The cheapest way is bus which costs 5kr. The quickest way is train and fly to Stockholm which takes 3¾ . We are thinking about flying into Stockholm, spend about days there, rent a car and drive to Oslo for a couple of days. How long does it take to drive from Oslo, Norway to Stockholm, Sweden?
View a map with the drive time between Oslo, Norway and Stockholm, Sweden to plan . Roundtrip airline tickets from Stockholm to Oslo (and from Oslo to Stockholm). If you’d like to rent a car to get from Stockholm to Oslo, know that it’s just over 500 . Answer of 6: Hi there, we are a couple renting a car, driving from Oslo to Bergen and then Bergen to Stockholm.
Distance between Stockholm and Oslo is 4kilometers (2miles) in Sweden, Norway. Also calculate the driving distance and how far is it the travel time.