Båtene er ekstremt solide og blir brukt til sportsfiske, jakt, friluftsliv, padling, ekstremsport og turer i elver og bekker med full opppakning. Lars Monsen tester packraft fra Pack… 27. Packrafting er en sterkt økende friluftsaktivitet i Norge.
Vi leverer robuste og anerkjente packrafts. Skaff deg en packraft og start med packrafting du også! Dates are up for the Swedish packrafting round-up this spring!
Packrafting Store is dedicated to the concept of Packrafting: travel with small, portable yet functional and tough backpacking boats.
I fjor kjøpte jeg en packraft og passende tilbehør. Fantastisk artig liten farkost som gir helt nye muligheter når det kommer til måten en ser . Kokopelli Packraft produces high quality packrafts around the world. Our vision at Kokopelli Packraft is to create the opportunity for outdoor enthusiasts to . Guided packrafting day and multi day tours,explore the magnificent coastline and inland waterways.
Try the fully catered multiday camping expedition kayak trips . Packraft and trail boat are colloquial terms for a small, portable inflatable boat designed for use in all bodies of water, including technical whitewater and ocean . Kai Sackmann müssen wir nicht mehr vorstellen! Auch in der Packrafting-Gemeinde ist er inzwischen gut bekannt.
Und nun hat er auch endlich ein eigenes Boot . My favourite purchase of the last few years has definitely been my packraft. I love it for many reasons which I will outline below. Packrafting specific workshops, classes, races, meet ups. Join Kennicott Wilderness Guides for the Annual McCarthy Creek Packrafting Race, with two courses to choose from for different ability levels. This boat is not cheap but the price is well in line with canoes an kayaks that fill a similar roll, the big difference.
Four questions to ask yourself before renting and deciding on a trip. Do I have experience to paddle this raft in . A blog about exploring using packrafts in Oregon and the Northwest. Packrafting” is using a small, lightweight inflatable boat to do whatever you would do in a bigger boat.