The Raspberry Pi Model B is the second generation Raspberry Pi. It replaced the original Raspberry Pi Model B+ in February 2015. Let’s get the good stuff out of the way above the fold.
Raspberry Pi is now on sale for $(the same price as the existing Model B+), featuring:. Et godt eksempel på dette fikk vi da Raspberry Pi ble sluppet tidligere denne måneden. Denne utgaven er utstyrt med dobbelt så mye minne . Raspberry_PiBufretLignendeRaspberry Pi og Raspberry Pi produseres på lisens i Storbritannia av både Element 14/Premier Farnell og RS Electronics.
En komplett datamaskin, like stor som et kredittkort. Fire prosessorkjerner, GB RAM, USB-porter, HDMI-port. Visit the ‘Community: Raspberry Pi 2’ group on element14.
The Raspberry Pi Model B is the latest single board computer to be released by the Raspberry . Didn’t think the Raspberry Pi could get any better? The Raspberry Pi Model B is out and it’s amazing! Amazon Warehouse Deals and save off the .
Buy Raspberry Pi Model B, Raspberry Pi Model B. Browse our latest Processor Microcontroller Development Kits offers.