The Monitor for China Polysilicon Prcies and China Polysilicon Daily Prices is provided by Sunsirs, China Commodity Data Group. Prisene hos Sunsirs utgjør medianen av fire aktører i Kina, herunder GCL Poly som trekker. REC – Sunsirs og energytrend viser oppgang i polysi.
RE^1: REC – PolySilicon priser holder sig forbavsende. RE^1: REC – Polysiliconfallet har stoppet opp. Polysilicon stiger – HegnarOnline – Debattforuminnlegg17. Sunsirs melder at polyprisen holder stand og stiger litt innenlands i Kina.
Find useful polysilicon resources, or polysilicon information about global business. It Was Assessed by SunSirs That in The Tracked 1Spot Commodities. The prices of polysilicon have gone up a bit in the last few months as poly.
PV Poly Silicon Weekly Spot Price Item High Low Average. Prices of polysilicon products, the main raw ingredient in solar products,. Ming, a market analyst with Sunsirs, told the Global Times Monday.
It was assessed by SunSirs that in the tracked 1spot commodities,commodities. SunSirs China Bulk Commodity Tracking System provides Price Tracking of over. Analysis and Investment Consulting Report on China Polysilicon Industry,. China Polysilicon Prcies and China Polysilicon Daily Prices is provided by Sunsirs, .