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The fx-CG10/comes with types of color pictures that users can create graphs over, such as a picture of the parabola of jets from a water fountain and an . CASIO-kalkulator med vitenskapelige funksjoner. Se informasjon om pris, gode tilbud og produktanmeldelser. Casio FX-CGgrafisk kalkulator hos staples. Opprett profesjonelle grafer og beregninger med Casio FX-CGgrafisk kalkulator – Det bakgrunnsbelyste fargedisplayet på Casio FX-CGkan vise et . The large, high-resolution colour display with natural illustration shows fractions, square roots and other numerical expressions in the same way as they appear . The color display, with more than 60colors (3x 2pixels), is capable of rendering in crisp, clear colors line, pie, and bar graphs as well as minute .