Computer World (tysk versjon Computerwelt) er det åttande studioalbumet til det tyske electronicabandet Kraftwerk, som kom ut i mai 1981. Computer World (German: Computerwelt) is the eighth studio album by German electronic music band Kraftwerk, released on May 1981. Lastet opp av scatmanjohn3001Debug Show log entry Show visual element tree Copy Visitor ID Show logging window Toggle dark mode.
Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Computer World – Kraftwerk on AllMusic – 19- The last great Kraftwerk album, Computer . With typically obscure candour, Ralf Hütter chose these words to explain the impetus behind Kraftwerk’s 19album Computer World. Computer World is Kraftwerk’s most lovable bundle of contradictions: at once its most technologically obsessed album and its most human. Find a Kraftwerk – Computer World first pressing or reissue.