Dark_ShadowsBufretLignendeDark Shadows er en amerikansk skrekk-/komedie-/fantasyfilm fra 2012. Dark Shadows is a 20American horror comedy film based on the gothic television soap opera of the same name, that was broadcast between 19and 1971 .
Dark_ShadowsBufretLignendeOversett denne sidenDark Shadows is an American Gothic soap opera that originally aired weekdays on the ABC television network, from June 2 19to April 1971. Dark Shadows hits theaters on May 11th, 2012. Cast: Johnny Depp, Eva Green, Helena Bonham Carter, Chloe.
Dark Shadows 20(Full Movie English)) Tim Burton, Johnny Depp,. The only reason to see Dark Shadows is to discover how dire and pointless-how flat-out dreadful-a movie can be even when it has Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, . Tim Burton’s Dark Shadows is all dressed up with nowhere to go, an elegant production without a central drive. Tim Burtons nye storsatsing Dark Shadows med Johnny Depp er en film fylt av humor, fantasy og drama, om livet til vampyren Barnabas .