Dicte’ TV Series – Danish Crime Drama on Netflix. It’s been nearly a year since Dicte: Season a Best Danish TV Series.
Dicte: Season is currently streaming in the US, exclusively on Netflix. Season of the Danish drama Dicte is now on U. If you’re a fan of this female led crime series, as I am, I suggest you watch it ASAP. Dicte is a Danish series starring Iben Hjejle as crime reporter Dicte Svendsen, who has.
In case you hadn’t notice the 3rd season of Dicte is out and available on Netflix streaming. Dicte in seasons and was a reporter for the . Netflix Page Right after taking a big step in their relationship, Dicte and Bo face a life-threatening crisis. Netflix subscribers can now watch ‘Dicte/Season (2016) NR ‘ through the Netflix Instant streaming service. Best new Swedish TV series (20overview – TV Netflix). Best Swedish TV series on Netflix or DVD in 2016.
Bron (Since 21-9-20, Season: – SVT1).