GIMP Portable is the popular GIMP for Windows image editor packaged as a portable app, so you can take your images with you and do your . GIMP Portable is the full-featured GIMP image and photo editor bundled with a PortableApps. This page is obsolete, please see the downloads page.
Portable GIMP latest version: Take the popular GNU image editor anywhere with you. GIMP Portable provides users with several tools for touching up and altering photos. Users who are able to overcome its hectic and disjointed . GIMP Portable bietet wie professionelle Bildbearbeitungsprogramme das Arbeiten mit Ebenen, Kanälen, Farbverläufen, Pinsel, Klonwerkzeugen, Airbrush und . Deutsch: Die Gratis-Bildbearbeitung GIMP in einer Portable-Version zum Mitnehmen auf einem USB-Stick. Perform image editing wherever you go with GIMP Portable for the Windows PC.
GIMP is a free image editor which offers a real alternative to theof Photoshop. An install-free graphic editor and image creator that comes with various image manipulation tools and . GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a powerful photo and image editor for composition and authoring. GNU Image Manipulation Program for Mac OS X packaged as portable application so you can take your . GIMP Portable – Mobilní GIMP – Softwarový portál obsahující nejrozsáhlejší katalog freeware a shareware programů a aplikací ke stažení zdarma.
O editor de imagens GIMP em versão portátil para você usar com o seu pendrive USB, CD-RW, ZIP Drive e outros.
Free image editor GIMP is now available in a portable version to take with you on your memory stick. A serious rival to Adobe Photoshop, with a wealth of . GIMP Portable tilbyr deg diverse verktøy til å redigere og endre bilder. Grensesnittet kan synes forvirrende, men du vil finne ut at det er tilstrekkelig funksjonelt. GIMP Portable er den populære GIMP for Windows bilderedigeringsprogram pakket som en bærbar app, slik at du kan ta bilder med deg og gjøre redigeringen . Weitere virengeprüfte Software aus der Kategorie Grafik Foto.
It] GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) è un programma libero di fotoritocco che permette di creare e modificare immagini. I have Gimp Portable for my USB flash drive because I use it mostly at work. I saw a video of yours about using Scripts and I downloaded it but I . Versión portátil de un potente editor gráfico gratuito. Con la creciente afluencia de las versiones portátiles de los programas . Télécharger Gimp Portable : Emportez le logiciel de retouche d’image libre The Gimp sur une clé USB ! Language: EN, IT, DE, ES, FR others. GIMP ist das kostenlose Bildbearbeitungsprogramm für die Erstellung von Grafiken, Fotos und Bildern.
Using Gimp on your friend’s computer even though they won’t install it! A standalone, portable version of the latest version 2. GIMP image editor is now available to download and run from your USB drive, .