Designed to power all the gear in your kit, the Sherpa 100’s versatile array of ports include two ultra-fast, smart USBs for phones and tablets, a 12V port for lights, . Batteripakke på 100w som lader hele kittet ditt.
Med Sherpa 1kan du lade hodelykt, GoPro og smarttelefoner flere titalls ganger før den går tom for strøm! Save Big On Open-Box Pre-owned: Buy Goal Zero 420Sherpa 1Solar Recharging Kit” from Amazon Warehouse Deals and save off the $599. That added bit of versatility is what makes Goal Zero’s Sherpa 1Power Pack attractive. About the size of a bento box, the Sherpa 1packs .
Sherpa 1Solar Kit er en skikkelig kraftpakke som kan lade alt utstyret ditt. Sherpa 1har flere utganger alt etter behov. The Goal Zero Sherpa 1Solar Kit is a portable solar charging kit capable of recharging tablets, SLR camera batteries, or even your laptop . Adventure knows no limits, and neither should your power.
The Sherpa 1Power Pack represents the latest in efficient lithium ion . The Goal Zero Sherpa 1is a compact battery that can charge electronics as large as a laptop computer.
Designed to power all the gear in your kit, the Goal Zero Sherpa 1Power Pack versatile array of ports include two ultra-fast, smart USBs for phones and table. Designed to be the sole source of power that you will nee the Sherpa 1combines the latest battery technologies with intelligent charging system, easy to . Buy GOAL ZERO Sherpa 1Power Pack features Multi-Voltage Charging, 11V, 8800mAh Li-NMC Battery. Review GOAL ZERO Solar Portable Power, . Buy GOAL ZERO Sherpa 1Solar Charging Kit with 110VAC Inverter features Sherpa 1Battery Pack, 8800mAh Li-NMC Battery.
Light to carry and easy to pack, the Goal Zero Sherpa 1portable charger ensures that your gadgets always have power, whether you’re on the trail, at the . The Goal Zero Sherpa 1works well for photographers, backpackers, campers, and other who need a small versatile power pack. The Goal Zero Sherpa 1Portable Power Pack offers USBs for phones tablets, a 12V port, a port for laptops a detachable AC inverter for DSLR cameras. Designed to power all the gear in your kit, the Sherpa 100’s versatile array of ports include two ultra-fast, smart USBs for phones and tablets, a 12-Volt port for . This month, we’re teaming up with Goal Zero to hook up three randomly selected Cairn subscribers with a Sherpa 1Solar Kit and Light-A-Life Mini Quad USB . Designed to power all the gear in your kit, the Sherpa 100’s versatile array of ports include two ultra-fast, smart USBs for phones and tablets, a Volt port for .