Groundbreaking indie games, epic tabletop games, and beloved revivals. Kickstarter is the world’s largest funding platform for creative projects. A home for film, music, art, theater, games, comics, design, photography, and more. Over 1games made with Kickstarter, now available on Steam. The following is a list of notable video game projects that have embarked upon crowdfunding.
Though they don’t feature the scope of a AAA titles, the polish and design of these Kickstarter-funded games match even the most well-funded . For anybody considering kick-starting a project, particularly for a tabletop game, we highly recommend checking out Jamey Stegmaier’s Kickstarter blog.
For dager siden – The biggest game in Kickstarter history isn’t a video game. It’s a gruesome and graphic miniatures game called Kingdom Death: Monster. On April 15th of 201 we launched our first crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter.
So you’ve got an idea for a short film or game and you’re looking for funding. Or maybe you already tried to run a crowdfunding campaign and . The promise of fighting off death in a sexy, apocalyptic world filled with monsters and pin-up-style art has been setting crowdfunding records on . There’s just a couple days left to get in on the Kingdom Death Kickstarter campaign. This product is set up specifically for you . Here are five Kickstarter tabletop games deserving of a closer look.
Kickstarter for Those People: an upcoming short horror film, shooting after the first of. Board game raises over $million, becomes one of the most successful . This is a list of upcoming anticipated board games to be launched for Kickstarter. Join us at the Kickstarter Games Festival: Ghost Arcade for an all-day gathering of mind-bending proportions.
Try out video and tabletop games from New . As if 20weren’t strong enough a year for indie gaming, 20is looking even stronger. The beauty of Kickstarter is that developer . Since it was founded in 200 Kickstarter has acted as a groundswell of. Roulette-style card game became Kickstarter’s most backed campaign ever with . What WORKED and didn’t work for Marketing our Board Game on Kickstarter. Life Legend – An Adventure Card Game by Lost Age Games – Ends We . Kickstarter may be the closest thing we have to democracy in game development. Although gamers, in a sense, always vote with their wallets, . What makes a Kickstarter gaming project succeed?
And what do creators have to accomplish to foster the best relationships with game . If you’re a small indie developer trying to chase your dreams of making your own game or even a more established game development studio, . Boat City, Cambridge Games Factory, Compaya. Further to the exciting announcement we made last week, it’s time to share some details about the upcoming Dark Souls board game. Kickstarter has become less about Oculus Rift and more about Cards Against Humanity. The games category on the crowd-funding platform . Kickstarter Board Games has 48members.
A place for members of the board game community to promote their kickstarter campaigns, discuss new game.