Labor Day is a holiday in the United States that is dedicated to workers across the country. The holiday always falls on the first Monday in September. Check the date of Labor Day in 20and in the following years.
Labor Day in 20is on Monday, the 5th of September. In the United States, Labor Day is always celebrated on the first Monday in September. Labor Day is on the first Monday of September every year.
Mon, Sep 201 Labor Day, Federal Holiday.
Labor Day 201 also known as Labour Day, is a federal holiday observed annually on the first Monday of September. Christmas in 20is on Sunday and Boxing Day is on Monday, which. Labour Day, September Monday, National. Labor Day in the United States is a public holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. It honors the American labor movement and the contributions . Labour Day is a public holiday in New Zealand and it is celebrated on the fourth Monday in October each year.
The origin of Labour Day goes back to 1840. Holidays, School Holidays and Daylight Savings including Anniversary holidays for 201 201 201 201 2020. Sun Jan and Mon Jan (additional day).
Australia Day, Tues Jan, Thurs Jan. New Year’s Day, Friday, January 201 Public, Vic Wide. Australia Day, Tuesday, January 201 Public, Vic Wide.
Dates of Labor Day in 201 20and beyon plus further information about Labor Day. Labor Day 201 September 201 Monday, 1days ago. Check out our guide to Labor Day weekend in Los Angeles, including events and things. After having the best summer ever, don’t blow it on Labor Day.
By Tazi Phillips and Time Out New York contributors Posted: Friday September 2016. Labour Day is a public holiday honoring the many achievements of labor unions since the 1800s — in particular, the hour . Labour Day, Monday March, Monday March. Good Friday, Friday April, Friday March. Easter Monday, Monday April, Monday April. Our National Public Holidays are New Year’s Day, Australia Day, Good Friday, Easter.
All other public holidays such as Queen’s Birthday and Labour Day are . Labour Day, Monday, October 201 Public, SA Wide. Christmas Eve (Part day from 7pm), Saturday, December 201 Public, SA Wide. Der vor allem in den USA und in Kanada gefeierte Labor Day findet am ersten Montag im September statt, im Jahr 20also am 04.