Lakkforsegling med ripefasthet på inntil 9H+, som kan legges i ett eller flere lag. Har fått lagt Nanolex Si3d på noen biler nå og tenkte jeg kunne legge ut en langtidstest for å følge med på holdbarheten. Minitest og langtidstest av Nanolex Si3D HD – Test av.
Test av Nanolex Si3D mot Polishangel cosmic. Bruk av Nanolex Si3D 9H+ – Nanolexinnlegg24. Lastet opp av WolffsteinFirst time we try the all new Nanolex Si3D.
This is a pre-production sample given to us by Nanolex Germany.
For my international followers I have added subtitles to my latest how-to video about how to prep and apply. Florian Kessler from Nanolex shows us how to use the new Nanolex Si3D at Himos Detailingparty on 18. Lakk og felger; Glass; Rengjøring; Skinn og tekstiler; Vedlikehold.
Structured on the framework of the unique Nanolex Si3D Coating technology, the . New for 201 Nanolex Si3D is a cutting edge addition to the Nanolex range of silica-based coatings. Like its forebears, it simultaneously protects and enhances . Basert på vår unike Si3D-teknologi, tilbyr nå Nanolex Car Care en rekke produkter spesielt utviklet for å tilfredsstille de høyeste krav fra våre . Nanolex Si3D is extremely weather and chemical resistant, which in turn provides excellent corrosion protection with easy-to-clean-properties. Nanolex Si3D coating exhibits outstanding durability and a tough insensitivity to abrasion from frequent washing.
Nanolex Si3D – simply the best paint protection you can buy. Very nice work by Nanolex Korea, check it out in HD! Nanolex Car Care products were created using the Si3D technology, which is meant to provide long-lasting coat-surface bon chemical resistance, and . IMPORTANT: Before you use a Nanolex Car Care product please make sure you wear suitable protection gear – we always recommend to use . Based on its unique Si3D technology, Nanolex Car Care offers a range of products specifically developed and designed to fulfill the highest demands and needs . Formulation is a bit unique compared to the typical sistuff The Si3D molecules – precursors of ceramic and hybrid materials . Nanolex Si3D ml sett Alt du trenger for påføring av Nanolex Si3D.
Vi anbefaler i tillegg Nanolex Final Finish som sluttprodukt, i tillegg til våre andre . Si3D can also increase the total hardness of the paint to up to 9H adding a clear coat with a colour-darkening effect to the treated surface. Nanolex Si3D is the latest in the state-of-the-art coatings from Nanolex in Germany. Extremely weather and chemical resistant, this new coating forms an . Nanolex Si3D is een geavanceerde coating met ongekende duurzaamheid in vergelijking met traditionele waxen en sealants. Which in turn provides excellent corrosion protection with easy to clean properties.
Basert på unik Si3D-teknologi, tilbyr nå Nanolex Car Care en rekke produkter spesielt utviklet for å tilfredsstille de høyeste krav fra våre profesjonelle kunder, . NANOLEX Si3D ML Nanolex Si3D es el máximo exponente de la família Nanolex. Es el coating tope de gama y de más altas prestaciones, con unos . Nanolex SI3D – Nano Coating – posted in Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings: Water behavior of Nanolex SI3D Nano Coating. Nanolex Si3D Ultra High Gloss Car … £38.
Nanolex Si3D High Gloss Car Paint Alloy Sealant 50ml Bottle COMPLETE BUNDLE KIT.