In the index overview for OSEBX you can se quote and graph. OSEBX Stock Quote, and financial news from the leading provider and. Historical and current end-of-day data provided by SIX Financial Information.
Index performance for Oslo Stock Exchange Benchmark Index (OSEBX) including value, chart, profile other market data. This page provides – Norway Stock Market (OBX) – actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and news. The Oslo Børs Benchmark Index is an investible index which.
The OSEBX index is adjusted for dividend payments.
Market data is minutes delayed – provided by Oslo Børs, Interactive Data and Oslo Market . Changes to the composition of the Oslo Børs Benchmark Index (OSEBX). I indeksoversikten for OSEBX kan du se kurser og grafer. Du kan også se indekskomponentene og kursinformasjon for de ulike komponentene. Historical prices for OSE/ with share price and OSEBX stock charts.
Free real-time prices, and the most active stock market forums. Det tas forbehold om eventuelle feil eller mangler i data. ICE Futures Copyright and Terms of Use Notice. There was an error loading the chart data.
Please try again or contact customer support. OSE BENCH INDEX Historical Year to Date Price Returns (Daily) Data. Hang Seng Index and the OSEBX factors in the size of the company.
Figure Robustness of responses in stock return (OSEBX) to an oil price shock,. To fit present contractual terms assumptions are applied on historical data. Quotes for OSEBX (Oslo Børs Benchmark Index) at Oslo Børs. Last, Change, Chng , Buyer, Seller, Open, High, Low, Last, Volume, Value, Trades. Historical stock prices are used to predict the direction of future.
For dager siden – Data delayed by 15-min.