Denne filmen hadde vært bedre uten Jennifer Lopez! Parker is a 20American action crime thriller film directed by Taylor Hackford. Starring Jason Statham and Jennifer Lopez, the film is adapted from Flashfire, .
Parker (Jason Statham) er den mest vågale, grundige og hensynsløse tyven i bransjen. Critics Consensus: Jason Statham is game as usual, but Parker is a thoroughly generic and. Poster quote: Parker, a film that’s a little better than you’d expect!
Parker (Jason Statham) is a professional thief who lives by a personal code of ethics: Don’t steal from people.
Parker Trailer (Jason Statham, Jennifer Lopez Michael Chiklis) Join us on Facebook. Parker (2013) – Parker (Jason Statham) to profesjonalny złodziej, jeden z najlepszych. Zazwyczaj widząc na promującym film plakacie wysportowaną sylwetkę . Parker is een prima actie film, een recht voor je raap film. Statham is zoals altijd weer lekker op dreef.
Ik vind hem een van de weinige acteurs die dit soort . In theory, signing on for Parker must have seemed to Statham like a good idea at the time. The film is based on one of the books that the late, .