The Phase One XF-IQoffers superb image quality for those with the budget to afford it and the patience to set up shots carefully. Damien Demolder puts the new Phase One XF and IQ100MP to. Price: £8(camera body), £33(back), £39(with 80mm lens).
The XF IQCamera Systems provide the ultimate in professional delivery. Every aspect of the XF IQCamera System is geared toward the professional . Shop for the XF Camera System and other Phase One Digital Backs at Vistek, Canada’s Camera Store – Pro Photography Solutions. Phase One IQ100MP Digital Back for XF with Year Warranty.
Learn more about the Phase One IQ100mp. IQ100mp 1megapixel sensor size, IQ80mp megapixel sensor size, IQ60mp 60 . Packing the industry’s first 100-megapixel medium-format CMOS sensor, the Phase One IQ100MP is the camera you turn to when you need . To put that in perspective, the Phase One IQ100MP back will cost you $400 or grand more if you’re not in the mood to subtract. Designed in-house by Phase One, the XF Camera Medium Format DSLR Camera with IQ80mp Digital Back represents a fundamental . The price of the Phase One A-series IQ100MP Camera System (with Rodenstock Alpar 35mm lens) is 50USD.
In this review I cover my time with the new Phase One system. My first two weeks with the system I was loaned the IQ50MP and more .