Telenor Maritime builds 4G coverage offshore to support the oil gas industry. TELENOR MARITIME WITH WORLD FIRST MOBILE 4G NETWORK . BufretOversett denne sidenTelenor Maritime is the leading global mobile operator at sea.
With headquarters and RD in Arendal, Norway, Telenor Maritime also has local offices in the . Etablert i 2002; 1prosent eid av Telenor; ansatte fordelt på hovedkontoret i Arendal og . Telenor bought Maritime Communications Partner (MCP). A small startup, whose bold idea was to become a global mobile .
Kontaktinformasjon for Telenor Maritime AS Arendal, telefonnummer, adresse, se informasjonen om firmaer. Juridisk navn: TELENOR MARITIME AS; Org nr: 91710; Selskapsform: . Nå er suksessbedriften i Arendal også navnemessig blitt en del av. NYE BOKSTAVER: MCP i Nygaten i Arendal er blitt til Telenor Maritime.
PRESSEMELDING: Maritime Communications Partner. Arendal: Telenor Maritim Radios (TMR) enhet for det kommersielle .