League of Legends Premiere Vi Strategy Builds and Tools. S7] Guide on how to carry with Vi Jungle By Nostiff updated December 2 2016. S6] Vi – Punch ’em until they die (0) By Chazupdated January 2017.
BufretLignendeOversett denne sidenPlayers guide you in all aspects of playing Vi from beginning to end game. STanky Assasin (Carries and Tanks will cry) UPDATED 6. For reds/marks I take 2x Attack Spee 5x Arm Pen and 2x Attack Damage. Every 3rd attack Vi breaks her opponent’s armor, dealing .
Flash is just too strong on Vi to consider anything else. It can be used offensively with the Flash Q combo . Pre-Season 7] Vi Guide by Super Metroid (S4/S5/SNA Challenger). In these cases, you can modify your build to compensate for the added CDR.
Quints – You have the choice of going for Attack Speed or Flat Attack Damage. Vi has incredibly high AD ratios and therefore having the extra AD in many . Time to talk about Vi, and how she will make her mark in Season 6.