Rachel Annabelle Riley (born January 1986) is an English television presenter and mathematician who currently co-presents the Channel daytime puzzle . When Rachel Riley takes over from Carol Vorderman on Countdown. Jamie joined Mensa at the age of after scoring 1on an IQ test.
Does anyone have any information about Rachel’s IQ? It is well documented that Carol’s is 1and would be . Rachel looking out of this world in some ‘sprayed on’ trousers on Countdown. Rachel Riley -1points (1without the age and time penalties/bonuses) -date: 2012-10-15:16:-solved in: 13seconds -country: United .
Every afternoon, Rachel Riley brightens up our teatimes when she co-presents. Here are facts you might not have known about Rachel: 1. Host Rachel Riley was composed and professional before sharing the hilarity with the world on Twitter. Blondes have higher IQs than brunettes and redheads, with black-haired people scoring the lowest in tests. Meanwhile, deep within the building, there is a parallel reality where new presenters Jeff Stelling and Rachel Riley are recording shows for . That cunt Rachel Riley’s been on ‘Countdown’ for seven years now. IQ and an increase in offspring of said marriages suffering from all . Rachel Riley: ‘I earned less than £400when I started on Countdown” on Finance UK.
Rachel Riley talks about why she prefers to rent in London, her £140a.
Fundamental company data provided by Capital IQ. It’s not fair: Beautiful people have higher IQ. AS if they didn’t have it easy enough already, . Her IQ is off the charts, she’s the acceptable face of double maths, she can hold her own against the country’s greatest comic . Carol Voderman and her successor on Countdown, Rachel Riley. The Countdown host Rachel Riley reveals how ‘the curse of Strictly’ struck her marriage – and why she thinks Chile will win the World Cup.
James Wade’s mrs = Rachel Riley – IQ + EE. It’s a testing time for the desperate househusband in the IQ stakes. I can sit round a table debating Carol Vordeman and Rachel Riley’s figures. I remember seeing a program that said seeing an attractive women actually lowers the IQ of a man for a .